Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bailiffs on the run

Excellent news on the bailiff front --the Whistleblower programme has broken the stalemate, the police are looking into its allegations, and the "Association of Civil Enforcement Agents" have opened their own inquiry into the allegations:

"BBC Whistleblower Programme - Independent Enquiry
October 03, 2006
The Association of Civil Enforcement Agencies has invited Philip Evans to chair an independent enquiry into issues arising from the BBC Whistleblower programme about bailiffs broadcast on 26 September 2006. Mr Evans is a former civil servant with the Lord Chancellor’s Department who worked on bailiff law and policy. Since he left LCD in 1997, Mr Evans has worked with the UK's professional bodies representing enforcement agents; he is a founder member of the Enforcement Raw Reform Group and has chaired the Group since 2002. The Group brings together representatives of the enforcement industry, the credit industry, creditor groups and the advice sector to promote comprehensive bailiff law reform.The rest of the review panel and its terms of reference will be announced shortly. ACEA hopes the panel will be able to report before the end of October 2006.Mr Evans can be contacted on 020 8319 8888 and at . His website is ."

A truly amazing website, the bailiffs have -- pictures of happy smiling civilised people. You wouldn't know what business they were in.

If this all runs well, then I am going to have to learn to be nice about bailiffs, as we shall be working together on a way of regulating their activities.


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